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The Rotary District 2452 creates funds to bring relief to communities in crisis

Welcome to Rotary District 2452. We deeply appreciate your intention to support our humanitarian efforts. Our district urgently needs assistance to provide immediate survival essentials such as shelter, food, basic nutrition, and medical care to Palestine (Gaza), and Lebanon. Over 2 million refugees in these areas are desperately seeking shelter and basic necessities.

To address these critical needs, we have established a district-administered fund aimed at meeting both immediate and intermediate requirements. Your generous contributions will enable us to respond swiftly and effectively to this humanitarian crisis.

We are committed to ensuring that your financial support is utilized meaningfully. Our ultimate goal is to leverage these funds for Rotary Foundation Global Grants, which will have a lasting impact on the communities we serve.

Your support is not just a donation; it is a lifeline for those in desperate need. Together, we can make a significant difference and bring hope to countless lives. Thank you for standing with us in this crucial mission.

The immediate needs being addressed include:

  1. Health Services: There is an urgent requirement for funding to procure drugs, medical supplies, and essential items. This includes supporting emergency, injury, and trauma care, maternal and child health services, and non-communicable disease services. Additionally, there is a need for fuel, water, and operating costs to ensure the functionality of health facilities. Mental health and psychosocial support, including psychological first aid for health workers, are also critical.

  2. Food Security: The conflict has exacerbated food insecurity, with significant portions of the population in Gaza and Lebanon facing severe shortages. Humanitarian aid is crucial to provide food packages and support food distribution operations. The World Food Programme (WFP) has been delivering food packages to hundreds of thousands of individuals, but the need far exceeds the current supply.

  3. Shelter: Many homes have been destroyed or damaged, leaving millions of people displaced and in need of temporary shelter. Efforts are focused on providing safe and secure living conditions for these displaced populations.

  4. Basic Utilities: There is a dire need for fuel to operate hospital generators and other critical services, as well as for water and sanitation facilities to prevent the spread of diseases.

These efforts are aimed at addressing the immediate survival needs of the affected populations and stabilizing the situation to pave the way for longer-term recovery and development initiatives.




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