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Rotary Youth Exchange Registration, program year 2025-26

Pendaftaran dibuka 5 September 2024 - 31 Oktober 2024

Kalau kamu saat ini kelas 10 atau 11 dan ingin menjadi world citizens yang merasakan hidup di negeri orang, mengenal lebih dekat budayanya, yuuk ikutan Rotary Youth Exchange.

Pendaftaran untuk tahun program 2025-2026 telah dibuka mulai tanggal 5 September 2024, dan ditutup tanggal 31 Oktober 2024.

Langsung aja klik tombol di bawah ini:

Syarat dan ketentuan Rotary Youth Exchange tahun program 2025-26:

  • Siswa kelas X atau XI di SMA/SMK/MA/Pesantren atau sederajat

  • Untuk program long term exchange tahun 2025-26, calon peserta lahir antara 1 Januari 2008 hingga 1 Agustus 2010

  • Peserta belum menyelesaikan pendidikan tingkat SMA/sederajat pada saat memulai program (1 Agustus 2025)

  • Warga Negara Indonesia (dibuktikan dengan Akta Kelahiran dan Passport)

  • Diizinkan dan mendapat persetujuan dari Orangtua/Wali dan pihak sekolah

  • Bersedia menjalankan satu tahun cuti akademis selama mengikuti program pertukaran

  • Bersedia melanjutkan pendidikan di sekolah asal pada kelas yang ditinggalkan

  • Sehat fisik, mental, dan spiritual

  • Aktif dan berprestasi dalam bidang akademis atau non-akademis

  • Memiliki Rotary Club sponsor (melalui koordinasi dengan pengurus KorWil terkait)

  • Mengikuti proses seleksi yang telah ditentukan oleh Rotary Youth Exchange District 3410

  • Mengikuti orientasi baik di tingkat lokal maupun nasional sesuai ketentuan Rotary Youth Exchange District 3410

  • Memahami seluruh ketentuan yang tercantum dalam formulir pendaftaran

  • Pilihan negara tujuan*:

Amerika Serikat, Argentina, Belgia, Brazil, Denmark, Finlandia, Italia, Jepang, Jerman, Kanada, Kolombia, Meksiko, Norwegia, Perancis, Spanyol, Swedia, Taiwan

*tidak semua Negara membuka kesempatan yang sama setiap tahunnya

Contact Person: PP Mediyana Mahendra

It all started with Rotary Youth Exchange: how Rotary is shaping my career and leadership journey

By Maya Povhe, Rotary International Youth Advisory Council member, Rotary District 5360, Canada

I always knew that I wanted to live abroad. As a teenager, I spent hours pouring over travel programs on the internet but could never find one my family could afford. My life changed the day that I found out about Rotary Youth Exchange! Looking back, this was just the beginning.

When setting off on my long-term exchange to Switzerland, I aspired to have a grand, storybook-like adventure, my home Rotary district aspired to see a culturally empathetic character transformation, and my host Rotary district aspired to see me develop German fluency. Although I eventually achieved each, the single most valuable thing that my exchange gave me was the ability to persevere in the face of challenges.

The power, vastness, and beauty of the Swiss Alps became a living symbol of this resilience. In the fall, I learned to hike them, puffing and blistering as I put one foot in front of the other. In the winter, I learned to ski down them, often crashing through the snow and landing on my face. Both activities were terrifying, but by the end of the year, I was able to see and feel my mastery of each like nothing I had ever felt before.

When I returned home from the exchange, I stayed involved with my Rotary club because members repeatedly welcomed me to stay connected, invited me to events, and shared opportunities for me to speak at every meeting I attended. These Rotarians became like an extension of my family, sharing stories about their careers and helping me to understand the world of possibilities that I had for mine.

There was never a single Rotarian whose individual actions shaped the course of my career. Instead, seemingly insignificant check-ins of “how are you?” and candid tales from work, parenting, and study accumulated over multiple years to expand the boundaries of my ambitions.  Some Rotarians expressed to me that they initially thought they needed to have an executive-level position or PhD to make a meaningful difference in a young person’s career journey. What actually made the biggest difference for me was having a community of Rotarians who were curious, venerable, and present, just like they empowered their exchange student to be. I absorbed their wisdom because they lived the organization’s values in everything they thought, said, and did.

To stay connected to my exchange experience, I joined Rotex, an Alumni Association organized by and for former Rotary Youth Exchange students. Through Rotex, I connected with other exchange alumni passionate about charity projects, and we started the Rotex International Charity Committee to encourage exchange students globally to connect with Rotary’s mission of service. I brought that enthusiasm back to my home district and led multiple ShelterBox fundraisers, raising over 30 000 CAD for disaster relief. Those events taught me to manage money, sell tickets, communicate with a team, and, most importantly, turn my visions into reality. These experiences, in combination with my exchange, inspired me to apply to university-level international business programs. Sharing my Rotary stories in my college admissions essays, I got into a program with a 4% acceptance rate.

Now, nearing the end of my degree, I have found endless value in the lessons I’ve learned and continue to learn from having Rotary in my life. In my professional career, I have since completed two more university-sponsored exchanges, interned in male-dominated offices in banking, made consulting presentations to chief executive officers, co-authored economics research alongside my professors, and currently run a business helping Canadian businesses build better student programs. As my confidence has blossomed, Rotary has always been there with new opportunities to build more projects, make more presentations, and connect me with more friends looking to make the world a better place. This past year, I had the opportunity to serve on the Rotary International Youth Advisory Council to share my experiences in Rotary youth programs and make recommendations to improve their future. As I continue my career and Rotary journey, I am endlessly grateful for the support, mentorship, and network that Rotary has given me, and hope to be able to strengthen our youth programs to give more young people around the world those same life-changing experiences.

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