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Refleksi Pertemuan Mingguan Rotary Club Jakarta Metropolitan – 6 Maret 2025

Pertemuan mingguan Rotary Club Jakarta Metropolitan kali ini berlangsung di The Sultan Hotel, Jl. Gatot Subroto, Jakarta Pusat, dan menghadirkan diskusi yang inspiratif dengan kehadiran para tamu istimewa.

Salah satu pembicara utama adalah Dewi Kumoratih, S.Sn., M.Si., yang merupakan bagian dari Executive Board The Negeri Rempah Foundation. Dalam paparannya, beliau membahas sejarah perdagangan rempah Nusantara serta peran pentingnya dalam peradaban dunia. The Negeri Rempah Foundation, sebagai organisasi nirlaba, terus berupaya meningkatkan kesadaran publik akan keberagaman Indonesia melalui program pendidikan dan budaya.

Selain itu, pertemuan ini juga menjadi ajang untuk melaporkan kontribusi dari Jakarta Players kepada Rotary melalui hasil penjualan tiket pertunjukan Jacob Marley’s Christmas Carol. PP David Knowless menyampaikan bahwa hasil dari acara ini telah didonasikan untuk mendukung berbagai inisiatif Rotary.

Yang lebih istimewa, pertemuan ini turut dihadiri oleh Madam Elaheh Boroujerdi, istri Duta Besar Iran, yang hadir sebagai tamu undangan. Beberapa peserta lain juga bergabung secara daring melalui Zoom.

Pertemuan ini tidak hanya menjadi ajang berbagi wawasan, tetapi juga memperkuat sinergi antara Rotary dan berbagai komunitas, baik dalam bidang budaya, sosial, maupun kesehatan. Kami berterima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah berpartisipasi dan mendukung acara ini.

Weekly Meeting Reflection of Rotary Club Jakarta Metropolitan – March 6, 2025

The Rotary Club Jakarta Metropolitan held its weekly meeting at The Sultan Hotel, Jl. Gatot Subroto, Central Jakarta. This gathering featured an engaging discussion with esteemed guests in attendance.

One of the key speakers was Dewi Kumoratih, S.Sn., M.Si., a member of the Executive Board of The Negeri Rempah Foundation. She delivered an insightful presentation on the history of the Nusantara spice trade and its significant role in global civilization. The Negeri Rempah Foundation, as a non-profit organization, is committed to raising public awareness of Indonesia’s rich cultural diversity through education and cultural programs. By adopting a comprehensive approach, the foundation strives to rediscover and preserve the historical and cultural essence of Indonesia’s spice heritage.

Additionally, the meeting provided an opportunity to highlight the contribution of Jakarta Players to Rotary through the proceeds from ticket sales of Jacob Marley’s Christmas Carol. PP David Knowless shared that the revenue generated from this event had been donated to support various Rotary initiatives. This collaboration between the arts community and Rotary’s charitable endeavors showcases how the power of art can positively impact society.

A special highlight of the event was the presence of Madam Elaheh Boroujerdi, wife of the Iranian Ambassador, as an honored guest. Her attendance symbolized the strengthening of cultural diplomacy and international relations. Several other participants also joined virtually via Zoom, allowing for broader engagement and knowledge sharing.

Beyond being a routine gathering, this meeting served as a platform for fostering collaboration between Rotary and different communities in the fields of culture, social welfare, and healthcare. The Rotary Club Jakarta Metropolitan remains committed to building meaningful partnerships and contributing positively to society.

We sincerely appreciate the participation and support of everyone involved. See you at the next Rotary meeting!

written by: DG Daniel Surjadi - RID 3410


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