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Members translating interactive modules

The Learning Center offers a wealth of content for our members. We want as many of our members accessing this content as possible and we know many members don’t speak one of the 8 official Rotary languages. With Rotary’s Learning Center and the software we use to create interactive learning modules, we can now offer members the ability to translate content into the interactive learning format and RI staff can upload it to the Learning Center.

This will help you track your member’s progress in courses, adjust virtual or in-person training sessions to dive deeper on topics, brainstorm new ideas, and create action plans to implement what they learned.

We can do more! Once you have courses we can make them accessible through one easy link to a page of resources that you manage. We will help you create the structure, upload the courses, and provide links. You would upload other Rotary resources keeping them in one central location.

What’s in it For Your Members?

  • A learning topic for resources in your language (see image). Learning topics are a place for social learning where members can interact.

  • A course catalog for all courses in your language. You will be able to access this catalog from the learning topic.

Links will be provided to you for each individual course, and the learning topic so members can easily access the content. The link we provide will get you directly where you want to go after logging onto My Rotary.

Here is an image of the Swedish learning topic. You can see the green material is called courses in Swedish. This link will take you directly to all the courses in Swedish.

What’s in it For Your District?

A learning topic you and several members would moderate. The moderators would upload additional Rotary materials that you have translated, monitor the discussion, and remove old documents and keep the most up to date information on the page. The district manages the content. The learning topic will allow you to track how many people viewed your material, ask questions, or provide feedback on a material, and have a discussion with other members.

The Learning Center is a Learning Management System that provides course reports. Any courses you translate that are already in English, can be tracked. District leaders (DG, DGE, DGN, current and incoming district trainer, district Rotary Foundation committee chair, and district membership chairs) can complete the Access to Learning Center Reports course. Once the course is complete, we will set you up with two reports. One report on all the courses the members in your district are working on, and one on all the learning plans (or series of courses). This report will be directly emailed to you every Monday from

The Process

  1. First let us know which courses you would like to translate. We have provided a list of courses here for you to choose from. We recommend starting with one to three courses and building from there.

  2. Once we receive your request and the process has started, you will receive several documents to translate:

    1. a word document with two columns one column with English text the other column will be blank. The blank column is where you will add the translated text.

    2. an excel spreadsheet or word document with the labels from the module.

    3. Course description and any other materials that are part of the course you would like translated.

  3. Send back the translated documents and we will set the course up and ask you to test it before we publish it.

  4. We’ll finalize the course, send you the links to promote the course.

  5. If we make updates to the course, we’ll let you know so we can start the process over. The good news is you will only need to translate the revised parts and not the entire course.

Please allow 5-10 business days for this process. Contact for questions.

Supported Languages

When a course is created, we can tag it by language. This tag automatically allows learners to filter by the language. Below is the list of languages we can tag. If your language is not listed here, we can discuss other ways to make it work.






































Courses That Can Be Translated:

  • Best Practices for Engaging Members

  • Building Rotary’s Public Image

  • Committing to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

  • Get Ready: Club President

  • Get Ready: Club Secretary

  • Get Ready: Club Treasurer

  • Get Ready: Club Membership committee

  • Get Ready: Club Rotary Foundation committee

  • Get Ready: Club Public Image committee

  • Getting Started With the Learning Center

  • How to Propose Enactments and Resolutions

  • Is Your Club Healthy?

  • Managing Club Business (new course as of March 2023)

  • Nurturing New Clubs

  • Online Membership Leads

  • Our Logo: Representing Rotary

  • Preventing and Addressing Harassment

  • Promoting Your Club as People of Action

  • Protecting Personal Data

  • Public Relations and Your Club

  • Rotary Basics (updated course coming March 2023)

  • The Power of Giving

  • The Rotary Brand

  • Rotary Foundation Basics

  • Rotary’s Action Plan and You

  • Rotary’s Areas of Focus

  • Rotary Club Central Resources

  • Starting a Club

  • Strategies for Attracting New Members

  • Working with Your Club Leaders

  • Using Rotary’s Trademark (coming soon)

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