June is Rotary Fellowships Month. This is a great time to reflect on your hobbies, interests, or profession and connect with an existing fellowship or consider forming your own!
What is a Rotary Fellowship?
Fellowships are international, independently organized groups of people who have a common interest or profession. With more than 100 officially recognized fellowships, there are many ways to connect and build community with new friends all around the Rotary world.
Why should you join a Rotary Fellowship?
1. To connect with each other!
Fellowships are a great way to connect with like-minded individuals outside of your club or district who share your vocation, interest, or hobby. They allow you to meet people with whom you already have something in common, making it easier to make new friends. Developing these new relationships can help you experience a favorite activity in a different context, learn about your profession and participate in professional development opportunities alongside seasoned professionals, and build a broader global community and world understanding.
2. To implement service projects
Rotary members and friends are already committed to service and naturally, they find new ways to serve through fellowships. Many Fellowships host or participate in service projects that are related to their common passion or profession. For example, the International Tennis Fellowship is hosting a Fellowship Tennis World Championship with proceeds benefitting Rotary’s fight to end polio.
3. To show off a great Rotary program to folks who are not Rotary members
Anyone is welcome to join a Rotary Fellowship, including people who are not members of a Rotary or Rotaract club! Fellowships are a great way to engage Rotary alumni and introduce people to Rotary who may not know that our activities transcend our clubs and districts.
4. To develop leadership skills
Fellowships offer members and participants leadership opportunities by creating inclusive environments to lead international groups and activities, attend events, exchange ideas, and build a community in every corner of the world. There are many ways to get involved, from serving on a fellowship’s board of directors to heading committees, such as planning a special event or managing the group’s social media presence. This month, we’re celebrating by sharing stories from some of our Rotary Fellowships. We hope these stories inspire you to learn more or to join! View the full list of Rotary Fellowships to find one that fits your interests or email rotaryfellowships@rotary.org if you have an idea for a new Fellowship you don’t see listed!